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Supported Living

Our supported living homes provide a combination of suitable accommodation with personal care and support to enable people with learning and physical disabilities, autism, mental health and sensory impairments to live independently within the community. â€‹


This arrangement would be suitable for people who for some reason, may be unable to cope without some form of personal care and we are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). We work with local landlords to get properties that ensure that our service users are as safe and comfortable as possible. We support our service users to choose their rooms, decorate them as they want, and maintain their own tenancies. We also support them to plan and engage in activities of their choice within the community, explore training and employment opportunities and develop life skills that will enable those who are able to move on to independent living to do so with the appropriate skills they need to maintain the quality of life they desire. Our homes are generally shared between 2, 3 or more people depending on the size of the properties.

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