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Semi Independent Living

Semi-independent living 16 -18 

We primarily offer care and support services for young care leavers (16-18 years old) with low to complex needs. This includes young people with challenging behaviour, those with diagnosed or suspected ADHD conditions and other emotional or mental issues that have caused situations where a high needs care and support is needed. This also includes care and support for young ex-offenders and those with high-risk situations due to gang affiliation or grooming. were staff undergo continuous training and skills progression.


Our main approach to care and support is to initially identify current needs and create a new agreed care/support plan with measurable targets using our care management system ( to deliver individualized care based on the assessed needs of our young people. The bespoke care provided involves detailed plans to ensure safe accommodation and a pathway to a sustainable future and self -independence by supporting the development of skills and inherent ability. We aim to develop our young people by instilling a culture of self -worth and future progression. Education /training remains a major target for our clients. 

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